Showing posts with label whitening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whitening. Show all posts

Monday, August 29

Gluta Essentials Enhanced Glutathione Review

I'm no stranger when it comes to Glutathione pills because I've tried a number of them already for my blog (some I didn't even bother featuring here due to dubious claims, lackluster or poor results). Today I'm reviewing this new BFAD-approved brand called Gluta Essentials after finishing one bottle of it (30 capsules).

Monday, May 2

Olay Skin Whitening Bar Review and #OneWashWonder Launch Recap

Constant sun exposure, stress, pollution and a busy lifestyle can take its toll on our skin. Filipinas are looking for a gentle yet effective solution in lightening their skin tone. Olay, a trusted brand worldwide, applies its skincare expertise to whitening to give us Olay Skin Whitening Bar which promises to give you natural white skin after first use. Too good to be true? This is my product review on Olay Skin Whitening Bar after more than a week's use.

Thursday, December 24

Myra VitaSmooth and Myra VitaWhite Facial Wash Review

Everyone wants to have a clearer, healthier, smoother and fairer complexion. It starts with a proper diet, lifestyle and a good skincare regimen. When it comes to skincare, don't we all wish for a product that helps us get one step closer to our dream complexion?

Sunday, December 20

Homeservice Beauty Drip Review Philippines

Wrinkles? Dull or Dark Skin, Age Spots? What if I told you it was possible to wake up to glowing and healthier skin the next day and better, smoother more elastic skin with continued use? It sounds pretty far-fetched doesn't it? That is why I am so excited to let you guys know about this amazing beauty breakthrough that is the secret to most Philippine celebrities' smooth and glowing skin.

Sunday, May 24

PH338 Glutathione Review

Today I will be dishing the deets about this well-known and well-loved Japanese Glutathione brand PH338.  This is one of the Japanese brands that started the whole oral Glutathione craze and while newer and more innovative formulations have come out the question remains whether this product still remains relevant and lives up to its promise of rosy white skin.

Tuesday, April 21

Belo Underarm Whitening Products Review

Do you have a problem with your underarms? I can relate to that. Back when I hadn't gotten laser hair removal yet, they would always get irritated whenever I pluck or shave and I would always get chicken skin whenever I waxed. But not everyone has access to it and there are certain skin types that are really prone to pigmentation. I was pretty thrilled when I was given these Belo Underarm whitening products for review which promises to take care of the modern Filipina's undearm skin woes. Lighter, Smoother underarms with Belo Essentials? Yes Please!!! 

Monday, October 13

Milky Dress Premium Review

 Want instantly fairer or brighter skin? Milky Dress Premium promises to deliver instant results and more ;)

Sunday, August 31

Snow Caps Gluthathione Review

There's a lot of whitening supplements and products out in the market today, some are affordable while some are not but the most important question is do they work? 

Friday, December 6

Herbal Hollywood Style Whitening Treatment Review

Most Asians and Filipinas prefer a fairer and more even toned complexion. There are tons of locally available whitening products out on the market nowadays, some claiming visible results in as little as 7 days with prices ranging from Chinchunsu*-cheapness to Glutathione levels pricey yet people are always on the lookout for a safer and more effective way to brighten and lighten the skin complexion that won't put a huge dent in the wallet (or potentially damage the skin or liver)


Tuesday, June 11