Showing posts with label valentines day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label valentines day. Show all posts

Friday, February 21

Brand New Start

Valentine's 2014

"Love is a choice and a commitment. We cannot force it on anyone. We do not fall out of love; the truth is we either choose to love or not to love. Love is more than just attraction, sentimentality, or emotion; it is an action. We can choose to love even when we do not feel like loving someone"

Thursday, February 21

Sonya's Garden Valentines 2013

It's been ages since I felt like I have a real boyfriend. We've been in a sorta long distance relationship ever since I stopped working. I've been living far off like a recluse and he's always too busy with work/triathlon training. It has been a pretty tough couple of months to be honest, I felt so miserable and cranky last Feb 14 after seeing photos of friends with roses, chocolates and their dates while I was home alone watching old black and white films. Thank God for awesome girlfriends to commiserate with! 

Saturday, February 18

Valentines Day

 A very delayed post of how I spent Valentines with my beau.