Showing posts with label tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tools. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13

I'm back!!!

I am so sorry for being away for so long. I got very busy and distracted and I lost my will to blog (LOL!).  Anyhoo!  I'm here to stay and I've got new and exciting changes up for you guys (besides the new layout!)

For those new to this blog, I used to post as "beautyeditorwannabe" back in the days when all I was obsessed about was make-up and beauty stuff(not that I stopped obsessing about them now)...but aside from writing about make-up and beauty stuff that are cheap/worth every penny, I am also going to start blogging about fashion and japanese gal/gyaru style since I am pretty much hooked on it right now. Trust me...its fab! and very flattering to most girls. I will also post some random unrelated stuff now and then if I feel like its interesting enough for you guys to read.