Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 22

Beauty, Ageism and The Female Sex: Why We Need To Give a Damn

(Image source)
I recently came across pictures and articles criticizing Renee Zellweger's looks. Reading the articles, comments and shares from the web made me realize that there is such a discord about how people view beauty and aging between the sexes. Aren't we concerned that in Hollywood, older actors have more career longevity and are cast with actresses half their age while older actresses struggle to find notable starring roles which are few and far in between? Of course they are a handful notable exceptions to this but I am speaking on general terms.

Wednesday, October 30

Blogging and Photoshop - The Beauty and the Beast

Let's face it, we all edit/Photoshop our photos. In the world of beauty and fashion blogging, it is common... a necessity even. But how far is too far? Do we do it to enhance what is already there or do we Photoshop our real selves out of the picture? 

Saturday, October 26

All I want for my birthday is a big booty ho

It's my birthday today! So happy! :) Been pigging out since the day before. I am extremely grateful for this past year. It brought a lot of changes, it has been really difficult at times but I'm stronger for it. I feel like I have grown a lot creatively speaking also.

Me goofing off hehehe

Tuesday, May 21

Leave Us Alone You Bullies!

Just because your country has more firepower does not give you the right to stomp around and abuse us!

Sunday, March 31