Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Friday, February 21

Brand New Start

Valentine's 2014

"Love is a choice and a commitment. We cannot force it on anyone. We do not fall out of love; the truth is we either choose to love or not to love. Love is more than just attraction, sentimentality, or emotion; it is an action. We can choose to love even when we do not feel like loving someone"

Thursday, March 21

Of High School Crushes and "The One That Got Away"

"In your past, there would always be that boy. When you look back and think of him, your heart would hurt a little"

Thursday, February 21

Sonya's Garden Valentines 2013

It's been ages since I felt like I have a real boyfriend. We've been in a sorta long distance relationship ever since I stopped working. I've been living far off like a recluse and he's always too busy with work/triathlon training. It has been a pretty tough couple of months to be honest, I felt so miserable and cranky last Feb 14 after seeing photos of friends with roses, chocolates and their dates while I was home alone watching old black and white films. Thank God for awesome girlfriends to commiserate with! 

Thursday, July 28

the one you had to let go

In life and love- sometimes you have to go through so many wrongs to get it right(a lot of Mr. wrongs to get to Mr. right) If you're lucky and got a really good one from the start then you best make sure not to take him for granted.

There is always that one guy though- no matter how sleazy, how wrong he treated you, or how much he lied and cheated-you can't seem to shake off. It's like your heart has a certain loophole that lets him in instantly the moment he wants you back.