Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5

Monday, December 12

Sunday, December 11

Blogger's United Part 2 and the Many Misadventures of Shams and Angel

2 of Philippine's most bonggacious fashion bloggers! (Camille wasn't there though) Laureen Uy and Divine Lee!!!

Wednesday, November 16

Random pictures from lastweek

Was too lazy to post them until now =p

Final interview outfit. Black knit sweater. I love the loose tube neck detailing of this top but sadly it doesn't show on the pic.

Friday, November 4


 Shangri-la's christmas display reminded me of Katy Perry's "California Girls" video

Thursday, August 25

Wednesday, August 17

Me with no makeup, hipster look, prostitute red and pink lipstick

 I'm not talking about these photos lol!!! (top photo I'm wearing circle lenses, bottom- pink lipstick)  I took these the other day.

 go to the next page to see!!!

Sunday, August 7

Out with the old..In with the new? (hopefully hehehe)

I threw out old makeup I haven't used for ages(and probably never will lol). Old brushes, lipgloss, eyeshadows, foundation etc. One lipstick had yucky sorta mold/fungus growing on it! eeew! (I forgot all about it 'coz I placed it at the bottom of my book cabinet)

Monday, August 1

rainy day foodtrip, my cat and random pictures

Been raining cats and dogs here in manila. Been eating out/takeout mostly- shakeys, phohoa(vietnamese place), northpark(chinese), jollibee and everything at steak. I didn't take many foodporn pictures though since my camera phone sucks! (I definitely need to save up for a decent one!)

Pho'ga (viet chicken noodle soup)

Wednesday, July 27

rain rain go away!

I hate storms! It's been raining so hard since yesterday that there has been flooding on some areas of the city and country. The news is too depressing to watch and there's very little to do today but get bored and depressed. Sigh....

last friday night!

Sham's bf took this but I was so wasted I don't remember this part!

Katy Perry - Last Friday Night

'Last Friday night
Yeah we danced on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot"- KATY PERRY

This song perfectly describes my crazy friday puke-it-all-out drinking binge(note to all my readers: Alcohol is bad! It can make you do crazy things and forget all about them the next morning...imbibe with caution!)

Friday, July 22

Party this friday night!!!

*I do not own the rights to this picture

I can't wait to eat and party!!!!

Sunday, July 17

Friday- Harry Potter day

Friday was such an eventful day for me. I got to meet up with my friend April whom I haven't seen for ages!. We just hung out at a coffeeshop in Glorietta. I really wanted to check out the shops there but I ran out of time since me and Apes had a lot to catch up on(which I didn't mind at all). Since it was payday for most people, April treated me for milktea!!!(Hurrah!) I am really so happy I finally got to see my former partner in lipgloss crime LOL! She's honestly the nicest and most caring friend anyone can ever have and we've been through alot together.