Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Monday, October 1

How to lose weight without going to the gym

I have always been on the skinny side. I can't stick to diets and I actually have a tried and tested method of losing weight that doesn't involve clean eating or exercise. Here are my secrets to staying skinny and fab!

Sunday, February 11


I think the bravest thing anyone can do in their lifetime is to love unconditionally. Valentines day is just around the corner and I couldn't find a better time to write about what has happened to me lately.

Tuesday, October 31


I was 17 and naive enough to think I was safe. He was in his 30's and pretty famous (Still is). I was starstruck and flattered that he paid any attention to me at all. That was the time I was dealing with acne and nursing a lot of insecurities about my looks.

Tuesday, September 12


Are you there world? It's me again, your resident blonde bimbo blogger. Life has been pretty rocky lately. I wish I could just gloss it over and pretend that everything is picture perfect like my Instagram feed but it's really not.

Sunday, July 23

July flies by

Just dropping by for a quick personal update for the month. All I can say is that July went by crazy fast. Time goes by so quickly when you're having fun or in my case..hella busy.

Saturday, May 6

Pinkoolaid is officially an adult... I think

It's another one of those random personal posts to let you guys in on my extremely boring and mediocre life. For those who don't know the real me then here's a crash course on what I'm like without filters. It's exhausting to act like a proper lady all the time and my true friends know that I'm ratchet to the core anyways :))) (You know who you are)

Thursday, October 6


Are you there world? It's me Angel (not Pinkoolaid)

Sunday, July 24

My life in pictures

It's been awhile since I posted anything personal on this blog because nothing could be more interesting than reading about some bimbo blogger's daily activities right? :s Anyway if that intro didn't turn you away then I hope my low-res phone photos won't because this isn't going to be some pretentious lifestyle shiz because I'm me and idgaf.  My life is messy and completely mediocre.

Thursday, December 31

A Sorta Fairytale

When I look back at 2015 I could sum it up with one word and a feeling I get = Grateful. This year has been one amazing and tumultuous ride. It has been an amazing year of growth, new experiences, personal milestones and I feel so blessed (sorry I know that word can be annoying) for all the wonderful people and friends I have made along the way. I feel so grateful to have survived some of the roughest patches, conquered some of my personal fears and just went for it even if I was scared or terribly anxious.

Wednesday, August 19

How to shop when you are almost broke

I am not the best person to give you advice on how to handle your finances because I am a total failure in that department (thank God I'm pretty! mwahahaha!)

Monday, November 25

I still want to marry Nick Carter

or Devon Sawa (but that's an entirely different story altogether lol!)

You know the feeling when you want something so much your heart hurts? That's how I felt every time I saw Nick Carter or Taylor Hanson on TV ( *insert pimple-faced tomboy looking version of me right here) 
This is totally pointless post btw. Just me gushing about boy bands in the 90's-early 2000 so you can totally skip this if you're not into that shiz.

Friday, April 5

Ulzzang Eyebrows, Spring haul and some Random Brain Farts

THIS is what I normally look like without the circle lenses, false eyelashes, wig and dolly Gyaru makeup. I guess you can call this my Sorta-Ulzzang-lazy-as-fuck-I-don't-feel-like-doing-Gyaru-makeup-today-look hahaha! (Are my eyebrows straight and arch-less enough? ) As you can see, my roots have grown to epic proportions but I am laying off the bleach for about 2 months before I subject my hair and scalp again to some peroxide torture. Expect to see me wearing my wig more often! lol

Tuesday, August 28

Robot Unicorn Attack FTW!!!

This has got the be the gayest game ever! Love it max!!! The best part is that when you do well, you get to hear the Erasure song in full lol!

I just colored my hair via photo editor btw. I'm still too stingy to invest in semi-permanent pastel dye...My mint green hair was fabulous but 1 week duration for a hair color is pretty impractical for me.

Been a pretty tiring, frustrating and stressful day at work. This was just what the doctor ordered! hahaha!

Stay pretty! xx

Thursday, August 2

Heart of gold

I felt like this outfit matched the Neil Diamond song. Been listening to folk rock lately that's how I came up with the title to this useless post which was basically an excuse to try blogging using my new phone(hehehe I got the S3!!!)

Wednesday, March 28

Gyaru inspiration post

Lately I've been obsessing over Sayoko's eye meiku. So sexy and gorgeous no? She is mostly the reason why I love Happienuts :)

Me channeling Sayoko hahaha!

Thursday, March 8

Atleast I finally got to do this!

Crappy day! But oh well keribels! I love you Minho!!!! wahahaha!

Tuesday, February 14

I wish life was like a John Hughes film...

The girl gets the guy, the loser/weirdo gets a chance...everything ends up perfect with a kick-ass soundtrack to boot!

(But Andie really should've went for Duckie instead!)

Happy Valentines Day folks!!!


 Have fun tonight kids!!! xx

Thursday, February 9

Hers and his useless outfit post

For lack of better things to post. Here's what we wore last week to watch Underworld Awakening! (Ugh don't get me started on that bullshit movie!)