Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22

It had to happen

I've been MIA for a week and I think things are only going to get worse for me these coming weeks. I can explain it all!!! and no it's not because of my beautiful but short-lived stint with pink/violet hairdye (why the f do they make these things temporary? I want to feel like a unicorn for at least a month ok!)

Friday, March 28

Diet and fitness tips part 2

Sorry I just couldn't resist the cheesy cover photo (no matter how I say it, talking about health and fitness is never fun so let's add some ONJ fabulousness into it shall we? :p

3 months ago I would've laughed at myself and never thought I'd be writing this blog entry. I'm the laziest person I know- I'm a homebody, a couch potato and I've never been the sporty/athletic type. I spend most of my time sleeping, eating and surfing the internet :s

(gifs in this post my take a while to load)

Tuesday, March 18

Hello darlings

It's time for another one of those posts where I show you a bunch of pictures with accompanying tidbits about my day to day life. Mix in a few random brain farts here and there to make things a bit more interesting and try to disguise the fact that there is nothing much going on really. I'm probably just as bored as you are right now sitting in front of the computer eating junkfood and checking out random shiz on the internet :s 

Friday, February 21

Brand New Start

Valentine's 2014

"Love is a choice and a commitment. We cannot force it on anyone. We do not fall out of love; the truth is we either choose to love or not to love. Love is more than just attraction, sentimentality, or emotion; it is an action. We can choose to love even when we do not feel like loving someone"

Friday, February 14

Diet + Exercise = Me!?!

I confess...I've never been the type to exercise regularly. I'm quite lazy but now I seriously want to look more toned and fit as opposed to just being skinny.

Tuesday, January 28

My Dirty Secret

I think it's time to fess up and let you guys know what I'm really like- you know...aside from being funny and fabulous :s

Friday, January 24

Just because

In an attempt to convince you that there is a living-breathing human being behind this blog (and possibly a soul). I've decided to forego my usual blog reviews again and flood you with random photos, brain farts, and whatnot just because I can and you will probably read it anyway >=p 

Thursday, January 16

Monday, December 23

Merry Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas everybody! Who's excited to pig out? I know I am! Anyway here's a song I recorded to go with my Christmas card this year. Hope you guys like it! I'm going to be too busy tomorrow prepping for Noche Buena so I'm just going to post this now instead :)

Monday, November 25

I still want to marry Nick Carter

or Devon Sawa (but that's an entirely different story altogether lol!)

You know the feeling when you want something so much your heart hurts? That's how I felt every time I saw Nick Carter or Taylor Hanson on TV ( *insert pimple-faced tomboy looking version of me right here) 
This is totally pointless post btw. Just me gushing about boy bands in the 90's-early 2000 so you can totally skip this if you're not into that shiz.

Saturday, November 16

It Gets Better with Time

I was an awkward teenager. Growing up I battled acne, wore braces and I made questionable fashion and beauty choices but I never gave up on improving myself.

Wednesday, November 13

PLEASE HELP Super Typhoon Haiyan Victims

Image source

"Imagine the power of a tornado…. now think of the devastation a tsunami can bring….. now combine those two together! That’s pretty much what happened to the central part of the Philippines!"-  Vince Golangco read more about it here

Tuesday, November 5

Would you buy my album?

Just messing with you lol! I'm quite proud of the vintage vibe going on with this album artwork. Ang landi! (hahaha!)  Anyway here's another attempt at singing. I have an penchant for older stuff.

Thursday, October 31

My Ultimate Beauty Secret A MUST READ!!!

I know alot of you guys have been asking me how I maintain my looks and I've been pretty vague about it. Well fret no more because I will finally be divulging the secrets behind my utterly fabulous and ageless visage!!! :)))

Wednesday, October 30

Blogging and Photoshop - The Beauty and the Beast

Let's face it, we all edit/Photoshop our photos. In the world of beauty and fashion blogging, it is common... a necessity even. But how far is too far? Do we do it to enhance what is already there or do we Photoshop our real selves out of the picture? 

Saturday, October 26

All I want for my birthday is a big booty ho

It's my birthday today! So happy! :) Been pigging out since the day before. I am extremely grateful for this past year. It brought a lot of changes, it has been really difficult at times but I'm stronger for it. I feel like I have grown a lot creatively speaking also.

Me goofing off hehehe

Monday, June 24

The Trick Is To Keep Breathing

Just some grainy OOTDs using my sucky S3 cam(yep s3 cam sucks esp in low light! ugh)

Friday, June 14

Feeling Shizuka

aka Posing with alcohol
Comes a time in any blogger or camwhore's life when we take photos of ourselves under the influence of something. I never knew how amusing it was to look at photos of myself that I took after a whole night of drinking with my siblings.

Sunday, June 2

Sugarless Girl

When life throws you lemons...make lemonade. In my case, I made a playlist