Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17

Destination Unknown

What if I told you that another kind of life was possible? That it is possible to break away from your 9 to 5 and all it takes is the courage to take the risk?

Sunday, October 7

Turning 34, How to Get Over a Break Up and My Birthday Giveaway

Brace yourselves! This is going to be a long-ass post since my birthday is coming up and I seriously need to celebrate the fact that I made it this far. If you're not into boring personal shiz then you can scroll down and read the part about how you can score 20k worth of fancy beauty loot ;) 

Monday, October 1

How to lose weight without going to the gym

I have always been on the skinny side. I can't stick to diets and I actually have a tried and tested method of losing weight that doesn't involve clean eating or exercise. Here are my secrets to staying skinny and fab!

Sunday, February 11


I think the bravest thing anyone can do in their lifetime is to love unconditionally. Valentines day is just around the corner and I couldn't find a better time to write about what has happened to me lately.

Tuesday, October 31


I was 17 and naive enough to think I was safe. He was in his 30's and pretty famous (Still is). I was starstruck and flattered that he paid any attention to me at all. That was the time I was dealing with acne and nursing a lot of insecurities about my looks.

Tuesday, September 12


Are you there world? It's me again, your resident blonde bimbo blogger. Life has been pretty rocky lately. I wish I could just gloss it over and pretend that everything is picture perfect like my Instagram feed but it's really not.

Sunday, July 23

July flies by

Just dropping by for a quick personal update for the month. All I can say is that July went by crazy fast. Time goes by so quickly when you're having fun or in my case..hella busy.

Saturday, May 6

Pinkoolaid is officially an adult... I think

It's another one of those random personal posts to let you guys in on my extremely boring and mediocre life. For those who don't know the real me then here's a crash course on what I'm like without filters. It's exhausting to act like a proper lady all the time and my true friends know that I'm ratchet to the core anyways :))) (You know who you are)

Friday, February 17

How to Land and Keep a Job in the Beauty Industry

My blog is a hobby, I've been doing Marketing work for beauty brands in the Philippines for quite awhile now. It is definitely a dream job if you're a beauty junkie like me and it is not impossible to get into. I had no related work experience before getting into the biz and you can do it too!

Here's the deal, if you think a career in beauty is for you then here are 7 tips to help you get started and thrive in your dream career:

Thursday, October 6


Are you there world? It's me Angel (not Pinkoolaid)

Sunday, July 24

My life in pictures

It's been awhile since I posted anything personal on this blog because nothing could be more interesting than reading about some bimbo blogger's daily activities right? :s Anyway if that intro didn't turn you away then I hope my low-res phone photos won't because this isn't going to be some pretentious lifestyle shiz because I'm me and idgaf.  My life is messy and completely mediocre.

Thursday, December 31

A Sorta Fairytale

When I look back at 2015 I could sum it up with one word and a feeling I get = Grateful. This year has been one amazing and tumultuous ride. It has been an amazing year of growth, new experiences, personal milestones and I feel so blessed (sorry I know that word can be annoying) for all the wonderful people and friends I have made along the way. I feel so grateful to have survived some of the roughest patches, conquered some of my personal fears and just went for it even if I was scared or terribly anxious.

Sunday, April 26

Hello world meet dork face Pinkoolaid

It's finally time to post random stuff about my life because you know- being a blogger turns you into an annoying self-absorbed %$&*!   :s

Sunday, February 1

A Fresh Start

Alo! Hope everyone is having a wonderful time! This look is a far-cry from my usual ones. As much as I love experimenting with edgy and fun street wear, there comes a time when restraint and a bit of formality is required.

Wednesday, October 22

Beauty, Ageism and The Female Sex: Why We Need To Give a Damn

(Image source)
I recently came across pictures and articles criticizing Renee Zellweger's looks. Reading the articles, comments and shares from the web made me realize that there is such a discord about how people view beauty and aging between the sexes. Aren't we concerned that in Hollywood, older actors have more career longevity and are cast with actresses half their age while older actresses struggle to find notable starring roles which are few and far in between? Of course they are a handful notable exceptions to this but I am speaking on general terms.

Tuesday, October 21

Grey hair blah blah blah

My hair has been grey for around 3 weeks now so if you haven't been checking my Instagram, then you wouldn't know because most of my posts here were shot when I still had blonde hair. This is a long overdue personal/random post because I haven't really been updating you guys about how mundane and utterly boring my life is really like to be honest.

Bear with me :s 

Monday, July 21

A Doll's Life (It ain't easy)


A day in the life of some pretty thing.
She blow-dries her hair in the morning,
and checks the mirror every half-hour.

Friday, June 20


Lately I've been too lazy to blog and I'm wasting my life away watching one Kdrama to the next. I finished 3 dramas in a span of 2 weeks already :s I feel bad for my sponsors because I'm sure they want me to feature their products but I honestly don't feel like preening in front of the camera right now :s

Friday, June 13

Shut up and take my money!

Hallo everyone! I'm taking you on a virtual tour of cute stuff you can buy in Hong Kong. They have plenty of affordable kawaii, Gyaru or Neo Gal style items in Mongkok. If you have extra cash to spare then head on over to The One Mall in TST for Emoda, Murua and other Japanese brands. But for now let's begin with bargain shopping in Mongkok shall we? 

Wednesday, May 7


So my sister came and left already. It's been a fun and hectic past few weeks and I actually don't know where to start but let's begin shall we? :)