Showing posts with label outfit post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outfit post. Show all posts

Monday, February 3

Naima Sleepwear and Loungewear

Who doesn't want to look cute while lounging around at home or in bed? I am so happy I can finally give my bro's basketball shorts and t-shirts a rest and look cute while bumming around in my Naima Sleepwear stuff! 

I can has cute pambahay now! :)))

Saturday, December 14

One Of A Kind

People will always find something wrong with you
or something to talk about....

Tuesday, November 19

Oui Oui!

(gif might take awhile to load)

I don't really think I can be a legit fashion blogger let alone a true Gyaru one. I'm not always poised and fashionable and I have a lot of baduy (tacky) moments. I don't have enough clothes and shoes to not repeat them so I feel very lucky when I get the chance to wear free stuff from sponsors.

Tuesday, October 22


He turned her away on a Monday
A pantomime of a young girl in floral.

Wednesday, September 11

Wednesday, August 21

Sunday, July 21

Wild and Pretty Things

We are the small town girls, ripe for the picking.
Skinned knees, tiny fists hammering at 3 in the morning.

Thursday, July 11

Monday, June 24

The Trick Is To Keep Breathing

Just some grainy OOTDs using my sucky S3 cam(yep s3 cam sucks esp in low light! ugh)

Sunday, June 16

Affordable Gyaru finds at Eazyfashion!

It's daunting to keep up with trends nowadays since they keep changing so fast! Gyaru style doesn't really come cheap, it's very fussy and alot of styling is required. It's hard to invest in expensive clothes and accessories knowing they go out of style in a couple of months :s

Sunday, June 2

Sugarless Girl

When life throws you lemons...make lemonade. In my case, I made a playlist 

Wednesday, March 27


Ohh baby they can all say what they want
cause you make it do what it do
but you just keep living your life
and they can keep wasting time hating on you 
and they get mad when you ain’t cause that’s when they lose 
and you got better shit to do with your time

Thursday, August 2

Heart of gold

I felt like this outfit matched the Neil Diamond song. Been listening to folk rock lately that's how I came up with the title to this useless post which was basically an excuse to try blogging using my new phone(hehehe I got the S3!!!)

Monday, July 9

Friday, March 30

IAMMEG.PH Launch Party

 This is going to be a pic heavy post. Last Tuesday I was invited to the launch party. The dress code was nude so I took this opportunity to take this sexy nude piece I have out to play. The event was held at Skye Lounge at the Fort.

Monday, March 19