Showing posts with label nuffnang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuffnang. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16

Samsung Makes BIG BANG ALIVE

Alo everyone! Here is my shot at the Nuffnang Big Bang contest. It took me forever to finally finish this post since I really want to put in my best effort. For anyone who knows me and has worked with me in the past. Never a day goes by where I do not play or discuss about something Big Bang related especially when it comes to my future husband= G dragon (lol)

Tuesday, February 28

Nuffnang 5th anniversary party

 This is a testament to how lousy I am at taking pictures. Most of the shots I took were either blurred or with a swirly haze and light. Blame it on the alcohol!(I've had around 5 or so)

Monday, February 20

Happy 5th Birthday, Nuffnang!

When I first joined Nuffnang I was a lost Medschool dropout. Blogging has helped me so much in discovering my true passions, it gave me the courage to go after my dreams and it also introduced me to so many amazing and supportive people whom I will always treasure and cherish as friends.

2011 was such an amazing year for me. I thank everyone at Nuffnang for being part of it!!! Becoming your Blogger of the month for September was truly such and honor and the Radio Show guesting was a first for me and I had a blast! Thank you so much! May you guys continue to support and bless the blogging community with your presence! Happy Birthday Nuffnang!!!!

Saturday, September 3

Exciting news! Let's meet up!!!

It turns out I won the Nuffnang blog day contest !!!

I will be featured as blogger of the month and guest on The wakeup show with Vince and Tracey on Mellow 94.7 (I don't know the date yet will update you guys on this). I love Nuffnang!!!(please give me a job too lol!)
Visit: Cookie-Bits.Net
I am sooo happy!!!

Blogging has been such a positive and enriching experience for me. I would just like to take the time to thank all of you! This wouldn't have been possible without your support!

Tuesday, August 30

Nuffnang Celebrates Blog Day!

For more info about it go here 
My picks below

Thursday, August 11

Thanks nuffnang! :)

As some of you already know, I won two tickets for yesterday's nuffnang screening of Cowboys vs. Aliens. I had no idea what to expect(well actually....... I kinda knew it was gonna be fun) and I wasn't disappointed.

Warning ...more crappy cellphone pics up ahead!!!

Monday, August 8

who wants to watch cowboys and aliens with me at the nuffnang screening!?!

I have an extra ticket for it this Wednesday, August 10 at Gateway Cinema 3 at 7:30pm but we have to be there by 6pm... any takers? It would be really fun to hang with any of you!

Friday, August 5

Being A Nuffnang Blogger is the Hottest Thing Since Makeup was Invented

Not everybody looks hot without makeup. Makeup was invented to express an individual's personal style, skin type and to enhance the features.

In the same way...Nuffnang enhances a blogger's experience in the web community.  It enables us to connect more meaningfully with like-minded individuals,  gives the right tools to express ourselves better and grow in an interactive supportive community.

Pizza Hut now offers Hot on the Dot Pizza deliveries: 30 minutes AND hot (as indicated by the thermally activated sticker you place on the pizza box upon receiving your pizza) or your pizza is FREE!

dial 911-11-11 if you want your pizzas Hot on the Dot!