Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Sunday, September 6

Strange Little Girl

One day you see a strange little girl look at you
One day you see a strange little girl feeling blue

She'd run to the town one day
Leaving home and the country fair
Just beware
When you're there
Strange little girl

Saturday, October 4

Pink Poison

Love is a pretty dagger.
You can never hold on for too long without cutting yourself.

Monday, July 21

A Doll's Life (It ain't easy)


A day in the life of some pretty thing.
She blow-dries her hair in the morning,
and checks the mirror every half-hour.

Friday, February 21

Brand New Start

Valentine's 2014

"Love is a choice and a commitment. We cannot force it on anyone. We do not fall out of love; the truth is we either choose to love or not to love. Love is more than just attraction, sentimentality, or emotion; it is an action. We can choose to love even when we do not feel like loving someone"

Monday, December 23

Merry Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas everybody! Who's excited to pig out? I know I am! Anyway here's a song I recorded to go with my Christmas card this year. Hope you guys like it! I'm going to be too busy tomorrow prepping for Noche Buena so I'm just going to post this now instead :)

Saturday, December 14

One Of A Kind

People will always find something wrong with you
or something to talk about....

Friday, November 29


Proceeds from all-star album will be donated to Philippine Red Cross

NOVEMBER 25, 2013 -- The global music community has come together for the worldwide release today of a new compilation that features the biggest names in music to raise money for those affected by supertyphoon Haiyan in The Philippines. 

Monday, November 25

I still want to marry Nick Carter

or Devon Sawa (but that's an entirely different story altogether lol!)

You know the feeling when you want something so much your heart hurts? That's how I felt every time I saw Nick Carter or Taylor Hanson on TV ( *insert pimple-faced tomboy looking version of me right here) 
This is totally pointless post btw. Just me gushing about boy bands in the 90's-early 2000 so you can totally skip this if you're not into that shiz.

Tuesday, November 5

Would you buy my album?

Just messing with you lol! I'm quite proud of the vintage vibe going on with this album artwork. Ang landi! (hahaha!)  Anyway here's another attempt at singing. I have an penchant for older stuff.

Tuesday, October 22


He turned her away on a Monday
A pantomime of a young girl in floral.

Wednesday, September 11

Wednesday, August 21

Sunday, July 21

Wild and Pretty Things

We are the small town girls, ripe for the picking.
Skinned knees, tiny fists hammering at 3 in the morning.

Thursday, July 11

Monday, June 24

The Trick Is To Keep Breathing

Just some grainy OOTDs using my sucky S3 cam(yep s3 cam sucks esp in low light! ugh)

Sunday, June 2

Sugarless Girl

When life throws you lemons...make lemonade. In my case, I made a playlist 

Thursday, May 2

Something There Is About You

You ever get that feeling when you meet someone for the very first time and you can't stop thinking about him/her?

Wednesday, March 27


Ohh baby they can all say what they want
cause you make it do what it do
but you just keep living your life
and they can keep wasting time hating on you 
and they get mad when you ain’t cause that’s when they lose 
and you got better shit to do with your time