Showing posts with label mode. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mode. Show all posts

Friday, June 14

Feeling Shizuka

aka Posing with alcohol
Comes a time in any blogger or camwhore's life when we take photos of ourselves under the influence of something. I never knew how amusing it was to look at photos of myself that I took after a whole night of drinking with my siblings.

Monday, July 9

Sunday, June 10

EOTD- Brown shimmery eye makeup

Posting this in line with my previous Mode Gyaru makeup post. This is usually how I do my eye makeup everyday(lashes would depend on my mood and workload). As you can see I love a bit of drama most of the time. My simple makeup look is probably not as "simple" as most people do theirs(I think I was a drag queen in my past life!)

Tuesday, June 5

Mode Gyaru makeup and new haircolor!!!

Finally found the will to put on makeup again! LOL! I love my hair again! No more yucky roots!. Forgive my weird expression in the picture. I am trying my best to look cool and this angle makes my face look slimmer =p

Sunday, February 26

Mode Gyaru camwhore

Camwhore overload!!!, don't say I didn't warn you!. I wanted to do another Mode gyaru headscarf look since I haven't taken these babies out for a test drive yet. I wore my mimi greys on some of the photos. Extreme contour makeup was utilized! lol!

Sunday, September 18

Shimmery dramatic Gyaru eye makeup tutorial

This is my first attempt at a picture tutorial so go easy on me ok :) The shots of my makeup below were done in Macro setting with flash. My skin looked really gross so I edited the shit out of the photos! Sorry!

 To be honest I don't look like this everyday! Trust me this is all makeup, good camera, angling, lighting etc. check my previous posts to see how I look without makeup on! here and here. I am making life so easy for trolls aren't I? LOL!!!

Tutorial below!!!

Thursday, September 15

Mode gyaru shoot

I wanted to showcase the sophisticated and mature side of Gyaru fashion which is called Mode. Hence this is my attempt at Mode Gyaru.

I don't really consider myself a Gyaru expert so all you trolls and Gyaru know-it-alls can move along now!

I just really appreciate asian style- Gyaru most of all and I would like to let people know more about it.

Mohdo (mode)モード - The Japanese term for “high fashion” — with the emphasis on challenging designer brands and not casual wear or traditional. From the French “mode.” -source

For additonal info about Mode gyaru look check my previous post about it here and here

  More pics below!

Friday, August 5

How to pull off that mode scarf/fashion look

This is me pretending to look highfashion ;)

Camwhore photos up ahead! do not enter if my face annoys you!