Showing posts with label korean food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label korean food. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27

Yakiniku Senri

Had dinner at Yakiniku Senri for my birthday. I actually wanted a buffet thing again(not Yakimix) but my guy insisted we eat there since he wanted me to try their heavenly grilled beef.

***Warning! Camwhore heavy post!!! Do not proceed if you want a restaurant review only! 

Sunday, October 9

And how was your weekend?

Went malling at Greenbelt 5 then ate dinner at Minsok Restaurant. Minsok is one of the best restos that serve authentic korean home-style dishes in my opinion but don't take my word for it...ask your korean friends about it! It's a really small quaint place yet it gets packed around lunch and dinner times by mostly korean folk and some filipinos who managed to discover the place. I'm sorry I'm quite bad with directions but it is hidden somewhere near Burgos, Makati City.

Ok enough talking! :)