Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8

Here kitty kitty!

 Here is my first camwhore in gyaru makeup with short hair featuring my lovely ragdoll: Asha. I can't really pose with Eno since he can't stay still but Asha is a perfect cat model hehehe.

Monday, December 12

Wednesday, December 7

Catshow pictures! Kitties Galore! part 1

Here's my super delayed FFPI catshow pics from last november 13. Sorry it took so long I've been busy and there's just too many pics to resize! Stay tuned for more kitty goodness!!!

Sunday, November 27

Girly girl

What I wore to work weeks ago. Yep this is a super delayed post. I haven't posted anything beauty related lately I know. I've just been too tired or lazy.

Thursday, November 10

Cat lady

Feline fanciers of the Philippines will hold their annual/bi-annual catshow this Sunday, November 13, 2011 at starts at 9am 'till late in the afternoon. Best go there before 4pm :) Entrance is free
