Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Saturday, March 4

Easy SEO Tips For Your Blog

I'm no SEO expert but I know a thing or two about SEO from more digitally savvy friends in the industry. Upgrade your blogging game with simple tips and tricks to make your blog content easier to find online.

Here's how!

Sunday, January 22

Blogger Deals Newbies Should Be Wary Of

I have been blogging for about 5+ years now and I've had my fair share of bum deals I should have stayed away from. When you're new to blogging- getting free stuff for an ad space or getting paid for peanuts might be no biggie but trust me there is a downside to those type of arrangements. Here are some bum deals you should be extra wary of or avoid altogether:

Wednesday, October 30

Blogging and Photoshop - The Beauty and the Beast

Let's face it, we all edit/Photoshop our photos. In the world of beauty and fashion blogging, it is common... a necessity even. But how far is too far? Do we do it to enhance what is already there or do we Photoshop our real selves out of the picture? 

Monday, April 29

New Blog Layout! Again!

For lack of better things to do, I finally finished the other layout I was working on. The floral one was a hasty/temporary one plus it looked too much like Xiaxue's on hindsight (her blog is too amazing for comparison hahaha!) 

Wednesday, March 20

New Blog Design

I decided to make some changes to my blog design. I wanted a 3 column template so the old header had to go since it wasn't wide enough and it didn't match the girly floral background I hastily chose.