(Photo by John Pablo, direction by Belle Rodolfo Makeup by Patrick Alcober and Hair by Raymond Ko)

Hi! My name is Angel and I blog about beauty, fashion, lifestyle, my personal life and everything under the sun. I am married and a mom to a sweet little toddler who loves Miss Rachel, Cats and anything to do with water. 

I am a skincare and anti-aging fanatic. I wasn't born with great skin and it took me a lot to get to this point, to be honest. I used to go to med school so I'm privy to the science of skincare and the physiology of the skin. I always make sure to check product claims if they are backed by science since I work in the beauty industry and well aware of how product marketing works. I am a huge fan and advocate of non-invasive laser/skin treatments. Here are some of the skin treatments I've featured on this blog.


*Sucky poems written by me are copyright protected. You may not use them without permission.
Pls. ask permission or credit my blog before using my photos k? Copyright issues suck and I hate seeing my blog photos on some online shop selling makeup and stuff. :s

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