Sunday, December 3

Chocola BB Plus Review

Today I will be reviewing this Japanese Acne supplement called Chocola BB Plus from Eisai. It has been around for more than 50 years and has been developed and improved since it was first launched in 1952. I have really sensitive skin so dealing with acne is really tricky since conventional acne products usually ruin my moisture barrier and make my pimples worse. I've been getting horrible breakouts for the past few months due to stress and I've tried different products to help heal my pimples but it only made it worse so I decided to give this Japanese skin supplement a shot. Before and after photos after the jump!

I know what some of you are thinking, "but she doesn't have acne!?!" Lately I have been getting breakouts, I'm just really good at concealing them (Clio's Killcover Concealer is a godsend).

The proof is in the pictures, here are my results after using it for almost 3 weeks with my trusty Benton Snail Bee Essence,

Before and After shots of my skin
The before photo was taken last November 14 and the after photo was taken just today, December 3. My skin is starting to heal and the dark spots are slowly going away.  

So what is Chocola BB Plus?

CHOCOLA BB PLUS is a vitamin B2 supplement for alleviation of skin roughness, acne, stomatitis, and it is also beneficial at times of physical fatigue. The product contains vitamin B2, an activated phosphate riboflavin sodium which is easily absorbed. Combined with vitamin B2, vitamins B1 and B6, the product improves skin and mucosal health. CHOCOLA BB PLUS tablets come in a reduced size but contain more vitamin B1 and B6 than existing CHOCOLA BB products. They are coated in an orange color using a natural coloring ingredient which reflects the image of CHOCOLA BB. The product is easily dispensed with its convenient one-touch cap.

CHOCOLA BB has been developed and improved in response to various consumer needs for more than 50 years since it was first launched in 1952. In a recent survey, 60% of women who take vitamin tablets reported suffering from skin roughness, acne, stomatitis and fatigue. CHOCOLA BB PLUS was created with the needs of these consumers in mind.

Daily dose (2 tablets) contains:

Vitamin B2.......................................38mg
Vitamin B6.......................................50mg
Vitamin B1.......................................20mg
Pantethonic acid, Calcium......20mg

Alleviation of the following conditions: blemishes and brown spots on skin, pigmentation caused by sunburn or rash
Vitamin C supplementation in the following conditions: physical fatigue, pregnancy and nursing, recuperation during and after sickness, aging
Prevention of bleeding from the gums and nose

Dosage and administration
For an adult (15 years old and above), take 2 tablets, three times a day, before or after meals. For a child between 7 years old and 14 years old, take 1 tablet, three times a day, before or after meals. Tablets should be taken with cold or hot water.

Where to buy
I bought mine from Japanichi for P1100 for a bottle with 180 tablets. For my international readers, you can also get this at Amazon and Ebay. 

Overall Take
Apart from the skin improvement, I noticed that I had more energy when I started taking this supplement. I experienced no problems whatsoever when I started taking them and my skin started showing improvements around the 2nd week mark. Do take note that I take this 3x a day (2 tablets before or after meals). When dealing with acne, it is important that you also nourish your body inside and out so I also started taking flax seed supplements to augment my skin regimen and help heal my moisture barrier since I made my acne worse when I tried using harsh pimple-clearing products from Cosrx and The Ordinary. My skin is super sensitive and I think using those only damaged my healthy skin barrier which resulted to more breakouts.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone dealing with acne. Apart from being a vitamin supplement it definitely helped keep my energy levels up and healed my acne pretty well.

Hope this helps! xx

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