Friday, December 11

Meiji Amino Collagen Powder Review

It's quite funny how it took me so long to write this review when I've been using this product for quiet a long time already. For those of you who are not familiar with collagen supplements, they are quite the rage in Japan and other parts of Asia. 

I got this supplement from my trusted online store for Asian beauty products and supplements they have such a wide selection of my favorite Japanese brands and I love how shipping takes no time at all :) 

Meiji Amino Collagen

“Feel the beautifying power of fish"

No. 1 COLLAGEN FOR AN AMAZING 3 CONSECUTIVE YEARS IN JAPAN!!* (More than 5 million cans sold!) A food supplement, Amino Collagen can do more for the health and appearance of your skin than lotions or creams alone. Daily use will help the skin become softer and smoother, with better tone and tautness. Wrinkles will begin to disappear, and spots will begin to fade. Problem complexions will be a thing of the past. Even your bones and joints can benefit. You will look and feel younger and healthier. Amino Collagen can be added to any beverage, hot or cold, without affecting color or taste.

Meiji Amino Collagen is made from high quality, low-molecular collagen peptide.

Three more ingredients that add to the effectiveness of collagen are:

Arginine: a type of amino acid, essential for maintaining healthy skin
Vitamin C: an essential vitamin that supports collagen
Glucosamine: a raw material for hyaluronic acid, which helps maintain the skin’s moisture.

Just add 1 scoop of Meiji Amino Collagen in your favorite beverage (e.g., cocoa, coffee, juice, soup, yogurt, tea) before going to sleep. Easily dissolved powder. Enjoy with hot or cold drink.

My Review
Most of you are probably skeptical about it's effects since collagen cannot really be absorbed by drinking it. What this supplement actually does is provide you with amino acids and the necessary building blocks for your body to produce collagen. I have been using this for years now (maybe 2+?) and I can safely say that this is one of my skincare must-haves. Pls. don't expect immediate/dramatic results since it will depend on your skin type, diet and lifestyle so results may vary from one person to the next. What this product has done for me though is help me maintain a healthier skin texture This product does not whiten the skin but what it does is help keep it plump/elastic. I always believe that prevention is better than cure when it comes to aging so taking this early on helps alot. I can honestly say that I think I look younger than most people my age so this might be one of the reasons for that. I've gotten my friends to try this too because I really love what this product has done for my skin.

I prefer drinking this with hot coffee, milk or soup. I've found that I don't really like the aftertaste it has when I mix it with fruit juice. Just use one scoop and mix it thoroughly with whatever hot or cold drink that you have before going to sleep (hot water is better because it will dissolve faster). I highly recommend this product for anyone who wants to take better care of their skin and for those paranoid about aging and wrinkles :) Can't hurt to try! I trust Japanese skincare products a lot and this is one of their cult-fave supplements.

For those interested in trying this product you can buy it here. The can comes with a scooper and you can just buy the refill pack once you're done with one can. Cheska's Store also accepts international orders. 

Take care! xx 

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