Thursday, December 31

A Sorta Fairytale

When I look back at 2015 I could sum it up with one word and a feeling I get = Grateful. This year has been one amazing and tumultuous ride. It has been an amazing year of growth, new experiences, personal milestones and I feel so blessed (sorry I know that word can be annoying) for all the wonderful people and friends I have made along the way. I feel so grateful to have survived some of the roughest patches, conquered some of my personal fears and just went for it even if I was scared or terribly anxious.

At the moment, I feel like I am back to square one. I have been taking the time to really think about what I want from life and where to go from here. Things that seem very important to me before seem to matter less when I consider the truly important things that have always given me the greatest joy and fulfillment than success and money ever had: being true to myself, my faith and my loved ones. For the past year I feel like I've had barely enough time and now it's time to realign my priorities and focus on things that feed the soul and not the ego. I need to find some balance. 

Gorgeous necklace (can also work as a headpiece) from Happiness Boutique

Here's to finding balance and a wonderful year ahead! 
Wishing you all best! xx

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