Saturday, November 28

iFairy Moe Moe Brown Lens Review

Another lens review! 

These i.Fairy Moe Moe Brown lenses were sponsored by They are one of the largest circle lens store around with a huge variety of authentic circle lens brands and designs.

Moe Moe Brown Lens 

(labelled under i.Fairy)

Price is for 1 Pair / 2 Lenses (Left and Right)

Life Span : 1 Year

Actual Diameter : 15mm

Effect Diameter : 16.2mm

BC : 8.6mm 

Water Content : 55%

Power Range : Plano ~ -5.00D (-0.25 Step)

-5.00D ~ -8.50D (-0.50 Step)

Manufacturer : Vassen

Price $22.00

Close up shot of the lenses when worn


5/5 Color-
The color is a very nearly opaque light yellow at the center with a light green color on the edges, the thin grey limbal ring is not really that obvious. Overall the color is actually a striking yellowy brown/hazel. If you want a more toned down version of this then you can get the i.Fairy Moe Moe Grey variant.

4/5 Vibrancy- vibrant yellowy brown shade at the middle and the light green balances it out.

5/5 Design- Very striking and unique color pattern/gradation, the yellow in the middle is really vibrant but it somehow works. It looks great with good eye makeup and they didn't make my eyes look lizard-like or scary unlike my Kimchi Bambi Pink lenses. The light green in the periphery balances it out and the subtle gradation between these two colors make it look almost natural and very pretty. I wouldn't suggest wearing this bare-faced during daytime though. The design and color is very striking so you need atleast an eyeliner to pull it off.

4/5 Comfort- Comfortable for its diameter. Considering these are 15mm lenses, you need to moisten your eyes after 2 hours or so esp if you're inside an airconditioned room.

5/5 Diameter/Enlargement- They say the effect diameter of these lenses make it look like they're 16.2mm lenses instead of it's actual diameter which is 15mm. I wouldn't really know what 16.2mm lenses would look like but these are very enlarging considering they have no thick limbal rings to give that dolly big eye look.

Overall Take

It's been so long since I had the time to do a lens review and I know I say this alot but these are my current favorite pair of lenses at the moment. I had the grey ones before but I am definitely digging the striking yellow brown effect of these lenses more <3

I highly recommend these lenses! Get these if you're bored with the usual lens design and colors and want something vibrant and unique.

Take care! xx 

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