Wednesday, November 5

Alice in Zombieland


Hi peeps! Sorry for the lack of updates and late replies, been really busy lately. I'm just dropping in to show you my creepy x cute Alice look for this year's Halloween festivities and to share some party pictures.

I got this beautiful Alice in Wonderland costume from Tidebuy and these awesome white lenses from Pinky Paradise.

For those of you not familiar with these stores. Tidebuy sells a huge variety of affordable dresses from day dresses to elaborate gowns and wedding dresses! They have dresses for special occasions, accessories, costumes, lingerie, beauty, bedding and even electronics at really affordable prices! 

I was very happy with the quality and fit of this Alice costume. The quality was excellent and shipping was really fast! I highly recommend  Tidebuy especially if you are looking for beautiful clothes at a bargain. 

I didn't want to go as the typical cute Alice in Wonderland so I decided to play around a bit and added a creepy twist to this look. I wanted to go as a zombie-like Alice with her head chopped off and I wouldn't be able to complete this look without my lenses which were a key part of this look

Princess Pinky Cosplay Corunus lens 

Price: $23.90 
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year disposal
What's inside: One pair of lenses and one Macaron lens case

Lens Review
These lenses are so surprisingly comfy! I partied the whole night without feeling the need to use my eyedrops. I love how opaque and striking they look on me. If possible I would like to incorporate this into regular look hahaha! I just love them so much <3 

I highly recommend these lenses! Pinky Paradise has always been my go-to place for unique and hard to find lenses since they have a huge variety of them available. 

I used this fake gel blood on my nose and neck part. I did not want to use this on my dress since it might not wash off.

I used the red on my dress and stocking part since this is washable. I also used the black and white to paint my boyfriend's face since he wanted a skeleton head.

Here are some photos from the party This was at a bar called Today x Future. I had so much fun! The crowd was really laid back and cool. We stayed 'till the wee hours when everyone was so drunk, happy and friendly. We were just dancing around to good music :)

Sorry for the poor picture quality. I was too lazy to bring my bulky dslr and my S5 phone camera apparently doesn't do so well in low lighting conditions. I didn't want to use flash all the time because it looks too harsh.

Oooh I almost forgot! My bestie and Halloween buddy Shams is back from Qatar! Woohoo! Halloween is never as fun without her <3 Her boyfriend went as a ketchup packet while our other friend JM decided to go as the McDonald's french fries lol! My boyfriend is the one on the right with the skull face. 

Shams and Edu, my BFFs forevah! <3 (but don't tell Edu!!! lolz)

Somebody came as Frank! How awesome is that!?! :)

The crowd

You can tell if I'm drunk whenever I start posing this hahaha!

I didn't get to take as many photos of the people as much as I wanted to because I was too shy to ask random strangers but I did manage to ask a few to pose for me when I got pretty tipsy already. Later on I was too drunk to care about photos and just danced around with my friends.

That's all folks!

How was your Halloween?  xx

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