Wednesday, August 13

iFairy Moe Moe Grey Lens Review

If you're up to date with the latest trends in Japanese makeup- the more subdued look they are sporting in magazines lately also means that they've pretty much said goodbye to dolly lenses with thick black limbal rings and are now opting for more natural looking 2-4 toned lenses with varying color gradation.

I wanted my lenses to look striking with a unique color gradation and since I still can't get a hold of those lenses that my dear Sayoko is endorsing, I found another design that pretty much takes the cake in the striking and awesome category. 

These i.Fairy Moe Moe Grey lenses were sponsored by They are one of the largest circle lens store around with a huge variety of  authentic circle lens brands and designs. 

Moe Moe Grey Lens  (labelled under i.Fairy)
Price is for 1 Pair / 2 Lenses (Left and Right)
Life Span : 1 Year
Actual Diamater : 15mm
Effect Diameter : 16.2mm
BC : 8.6mm 
Water Content : 55%
Power Range : Plano ~ -5.00D (-0.25 Step)
       -5.00D ~ -8.50D (-0.50 Step)
Manufacturer : Vassen

Price: $ 22 


Closeup shot of the lenses when worn


4/5 Color- The color is a very nearly opaque dark yellow at the center with a light gray color on the edges, the thin grey limbal ring is not really that obvious.

4/5 Vibrancy- vibrant yellowy brown shade at the middle and the grey balances it out. 

5/5 Design-  Very striking and unique color pattern/gradation, the yellow in the middle is vibrant enough but they designed it in such a way that it comes off not too vibrant/opaque to make your eyes too lizard-like or scary unlike my Kimchi Bambi Pink lenses. The grey in the periphery balances it out and the subtle gradation between these two colors make it look almost natural and very pretty. 

4/5 Comfort-  Comfortable for its diameter. I filmed a tutorial video wearing these lenses and they were very comfortable considering these are 15mm lenses. You need to moisten your eyes after 2 hours or so esp if you're inside an airconditioned room. 

5/5 Diameter/Enlargement- They say the effect diameter of these lenses make it look like they're 16.2mm lenses instead of it's actual diameter which is 15mm. I wouldn't really know what 16.2mm lenses would look like but these are very enlarging considering they have no thick limbal rings to give that dolly big eye look. 

Overall Take

I am very happy with these lenses. It's striking yet subtle design makes it perfect for those looking for color gradation lenses that really make your eyes pop. This design works really well for Gyaru, Japanese style and even normal or western style type of makeup. 

I highly recommend these lenses to anyone who wants to make their eyes pop! :) it looks stunning with smoky and even natural eye makeup looks.

Take care! xx

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