Monday, July 14

Dolly Wink Philippines

I am so happy to announce that my favorite Japanese brand is now in the Philippines! Waaaah! If you know me personally or you are an avid reader of this blog, it's no secret that I keep gushing about this brand. I really went to great lengths to get my hands on these babies when they weren't available in the country yet. 

Read my post and reviews about their products here!!!

Anyway this post is to showcase my love and appreciation for this brand and its products especially the lashes which are my all time fave. I rarely or never shoot anything on this blog without their lashes on to be honest! :p

Here are some looks I've came up with through the years (has it been 4 years already since I've been using them? hahaha)

Here's me sporting no. 9 and 14 for a dolly Barbie Gyaru look

Dolly Wink 10 and 14 with some eyelid tape to change my eye shape :p

One of my all time fave combos! Their No 2 and No 5 because it gives a very dolly effect unlike any other lashes I've tried.

I wear this combo often see? (My header photo above shows me wearing No 2 and 5 also)

This combo isn't only for a cutesy/ dolly Gyaru look, it depends on your hairstyle and makeup application also.

I'm wearing no 1 and 5 on this photo

No 17 and 5 ( 5 is my favorite lower lashes and I go through these like water, I basically hoarded these ages ago so I will never run out :s ) 

 Channeling Tsubasa Masuwaka! My first ever Gyaru idol! <3


 I was lucky enough to be able to get my hands on their limited edition Brown lashes 101 and 103 while they were still available <3

Dolly Wink is also suitable for a more mature Otona or a sexy Japanese gal look. Here's me wearing their 101 and 103 brown lashes

 Anyway that's it! for now! I am just so happy to share with you guys my love for this brand and their products. Don't forget to check my previous post about their products!!!

I still need to review my recent Dolly Wink Ph loot: Mascara, Liner, Eyebrow Pencil, Lash Glue, Eyebrow Mascara  and their new lash designs 21 and 19 (21 and 19 is not yet available here, I bought them in Sasa HK last May) so expect those soon! I will probably show you guys how to use these lashes and their other products to alter/enhance your eye shape since there are different ways to apply Gyaru lashes compared to normal ones so watch out for that! :)

Dolly Wink products are available at:
SM, Watsons, Landmark, Robinsons, Rockwell, Purebeauty, The Ramp Crossings, Suesh

Follow the brand here:

Stay pretty! xx

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