Monday, July 21

A Doll's Life (It ain't easy)


A day in the life of some pretty thing.
She blow-dries her hair in the morning,
and checks the mirror every half-hour.

She stands behind the lines at the subway station,
ignoring the cat calls of some homeless drunk.
An older man leers from behind.

Shoes- Vida heels from ZaloraPh

I filmed a tutorial for the makeup I did here but I botched the first part by filming and not checking that my camera lens was out of focus so the first half of the video is pretty blurry. I'm too lazy to redo the whole thing so I'm stuck with a half usable makeup tutorial, it's such a waste! I don't know if I should bother uploading it or not :s Watchathink?

I joined a contest just today, Pls. help me by liking this photo on my Instagram (Pinkoolaid)<3 pls pls pls?  <3

And how was your day?

Take care! xx

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