Monday, June 30

Japanese Makeup Pic Spam Spring Summer 2014 Looks

It's been awhile since I posted some Japanese Magazine scans and I just needed to show you guys the current trend in Gyaru, Gal and just plain 'ol Japanese style makeup. It's confusing nowadays because there's a lot of misinformation as to what Gyaru makeup really is especially since they are now leaning towards a very minimal and natural look. 

Gyaru is really an overall look to be honest
You cannot separate the hair, fashion and makeup and call it Gyaru despite the normal style outfit and boring contemporary hairdo/haircolor :s There is really a certain look and feel when it comes to it and not a lot of people who are used to contemporary fashion and makeup understand it very well. Oh and again, it is also very different from Korean Ulzzang style makeup ok? :p 

The question remains whether the whole Gyaru style is dying or just evolving into something more accessible for the busy Japanese masses. I for one welcome the less time I need to spend primping but I do miss the elaborate lashes, nails and the whole she-bang. 

Anyway, I've compiled some scans of makeup looks and tutorials from Ageha, Popteen, Ranzuki, Happie Nuts and Scawaii for Spring and Summer. Pls. click on the pics to enlarge them.

Here are some scans from Ageha April 2014 issue with their take on the whole Natural Make trend :) 

Please note that the Japanese have a different standard of beauty. They have a different way of applying makeup. That means NO Kim Kardashian-like heavy contouring and bronzing, NO cut crease style smoky eyeshadow application. No dark, thin and high eyebrow arches (straight light colored eyebrows are preferred). Asian style makeup generally prefer a softer jawline so that means we contour out sharp angles and go for a softer V- shape on the face. These techniques help give a softer and overall a more youthful look to the face.

Check out her old dramatic Ageha style look on the right :))) Such a huge difference right? 

But of course Sakurina gets to sport the more bad-ass look in this issue :p

They drew a fake beauty mark below the side of her lashes

Their take on Mode Gyaru style makeup

Not really natural style makeup but this is Sakurina and she really prefers more dramatic makeup than most :)

Now let's check out Popteen June 2014 tutorials that I liked :) 

Pink brown eyeshadow, brown feathery lashes and brown liner are really "in" right now see? :) 

And so is Aegyo Sal or tearbag makeup contouring *My Tip!!! Use a flesh or pink shimmery cream eye pencil to highlight the tear bag since it looks more natural than white shimmer.

How to highlight and apply blush, lipstick and lipgloss.

This is such a sweet minimal look that reminds me of Zipper/Harajuku style makeup

Summer makeup look by Kumicky!!!

 Cute and minimal Japanese style makeup from Ranzuki April 2014

Happie Nuts April 2014 makeup scans, I already have their last issue May 2014 but I have yet to scan them :s These are perfect for those going for a more adult, sexy or sophisticated look.

This is their take on the Pin-up/Retro trend

Eyebrow makeup tutorial with Anna :) No sharp angles or high arches see?

Lashes, blush, highlight and contour.

This is definitely more reminiscent of the regular adult Gal or Gyaru makeup style.

Straight eyebrow and nose contouring tutorial

Some Scawaii June 2014 makeup scans :) 

Hope you enjoyed them :) Take care! xx

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