Monday, May 19

Princess Pinky Eclipse Brown Lens Review

Need a new pair of subtle Dolly brown lenses? Find out if these are for you! ;)

PinkyParadise is the largest online circle lens store. They believe circle lenses are more than just colored contact lens, it redefines the beauty boundaries of eye makeup. Even more, it tells people who you are. Your eyes speak with PinkyParadise. 


Princess Pinky Eclipse Brown has shinny mahogany finishing covering the iris, comparable to fading sunlight, a good choice for simple earthy appearance.

Price: $28.90

Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year disposal

Close-up shot of the lenses when worn:


4/5 Color- The color is a nearly opaque and yellowy brown. 

4/5 Vibrancy- subtle but visible yellow brown color

4/5 Design-  Has a thin black limbal ring (thinner than most lens designs out there) It gives you a subtle Dolly eye effect. Not too distracting and can be worn with minimal eye makeup. This design is very on-trend with the current look Gyaru makeup is heading towards.

4/5 Comfort-  Comfortable for its diameter. You need to moisten your eyes after 3 hours or so  esp if you're inside an airconditioned room. 

4/5 Diameter/Enlargement- At  14.5 mm they give great enlargement since they have a thin black limbal ring on the edges without making your eyes look freaky/lizard-like.

Overall Take

I love the yellow brown color! I've been searching for the right yellow brown lens shade that is not too bright so it looks good for daytime use and not too subtle to not make a difference on my dark brown eyes also I am very happy with the lens design! it gives a great dolly eye effect without looking too freakish or fake. These are perfect if you want something subtle yet dolly or you want to go for an Otona look without sacrificing eye enlargement. 

I highly recommend these pair!

By entering this coupon code: pinkoolaid
1. Customers entitle a FREE cute animal lens case PLUS mystery gift
2. The coupon code can be stacked, If you purchase 3 pairs, you will get 3 lens cases plus 3 mystery gifts.
3. A minimum of 1 pair of circle lens purchased to activate the code.
4. The code has no expired dates :)

Take care! xx

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