Friday, February 21

Brand New Start

Valentine's 2014

"Love is a choice and a commitment. We cannot force it on anyone. We do not fall out of love; the truth is we either choose to love or not to love. Love is more than just attraction, sentimentality, or emotion; it is an action. We can choose to love even when we do not feel like loving someone"

Some stuff I've learned about Love and Relationships over the years:

Real Love begins when infatuation ends.
Love is a commitment and a choice.
Forgiveness is the key to staying happy and moving on.
Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person seeking his/her highest good which requires sacrifice.
Love is nourished by actions, communication and honesty.
Respect your partner and be faithful.
Trust takes years to build and seconds to destroy.
It is important to discern when to fight for something & when to walk away.
Love like Jesus (sorry corny :p )

What I wore for Vday (channeling Taylor Swift :))))

Went out of town and spent the weekend with my guy, some nice folks and these three overweight Labs. 

 Must be nice to wake up to a view like this every morning   #someday #goals

Progress from Power Walking and doing targeted exercises for Arms, Abs and Legs. Still skinny but can see some improvements around my midsection (FYI I never starve myself ok)

Beer + Jacuzzi = :)

We spent most of the night drinking here. 

Meet Derpina in the flesh lol!


Take care peeps! xx

Don't forget to join my current giveaway! Open internationally :)

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