Wednesday, November 27

PR: REVLON Beauty S.O.S for Etcetera Episode 3

Revlon is doing 4 makeup tutorials for the viewers of Etcetera called "REVLON Beauty S.O.S." (Stand Out Style). Each episode will tackle a beauty dilemma that the fabulous Revlon Makeup expert Eman De Leon will help tackle.

The fabulous makeup magician: Eman :)
Photo credit (Etcetera)

Drool worthy Revlon stash <3

For this episode the beauty dilemma was about finding the right makeup for girls with tanned/darker complexions.

 Photo credit (Etcetera)
Photo credit (Etcetera)

Voila! gorgeous and glowing thanks to Revlon and Eman!
 Photo credit (Etcetera)

Eman also did the makeup for model, Mikaela Lagdameo (the Greenwich commercial girl) for the show's Modeling 101 segment.

Photo credit (Etcetera)

Photo credit (Etcetera)

Beautiful glowing make-up on hosts Patti and Kim thanks to Eman and Revlon!
Photo credit (Etcetera)

Revlon, helping women look and feel their best!

Don't forget to watch out for the next episode of Etcetera airing on Sundays 8:30 pm on ETC

4th:  Dec. 1

For more updates and info! don't forget to check out  Revlon, Etcetera and Eman's page ;) 

Help super typhoon Haiyan victimsif you have the time, money, clothes or food to spare, please check out  or read this to find a way how you can help out the victims of Supertyphoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines. The situation is dire many people have suffered and are still suffering. 

Take care! xx

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