Tuesday, November 19

Oui Oui!

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I don't really think I can be a legit fashion blogger let alone a true Gyaru one. I'm not always poised and fashionable and I have a lot of baduy (tacky) moments. I don't have enough clothes and shoes to not repeat them so I feel very lucky when I get the chance to wear free stuff from sponsors.

Trying a Mode Gyaru vibe in these photos (feeling Ena Matsumoto hahahaha!) I got these cool striped shorts from Manifesto online shop. They sell clothes and accessories that are stylish and affordable. Check them out yo!

 This look is sorta French inspired hence the title. I finally got the chance to wear this navy blue beret I bought eons ago. I chose a darker berry lip color inspired by the current makeup looks in Happie Nuts and Blenda (might do a tutorial for this when I'm not too lazy!)

Werk it girl!

Putting on a show!

Giving it to the gods! :)))  -Quad :p

Anyway on to my fashion blogging fail hehehe! I wore the shorts backwards and realized my mistake later on! Ooops! bwahaha! I still look fabulous despite the fact right? (please say yes :p ) There I was posing and preening, feeling so cool yet looking like a fool with shorts worn the wrong way! hahaha! That's pretty typical of me btw! I can be such a clueless klutz when it comes to fashion! lol! I'm better off with makeup :p Oh well keribells!

Don't forget to like Manifesto's FB Page to view and purchase their items 

Help super typhoon Haiyan victimsif you have the time, money, clothes or food to spare, please check out http://www.redcross.org.ph/  or read this to find a way how you can help out the victims of Supertyphoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines. The situation is dire many people have suffered and are still suffering. 

Take care! xx

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