Wednesday, September 18

Hayan Glitter Lip Gloss Review

Hayan Korea  Glitter Lip Gloss L12 Review

As a self-confessed lip gloss a.k.a. lechon lips addict, I can never really have enough lip gloss! Lucky me I got the chance to try out this fabulous pink glitter gloss from Hayan Korea.

Product info from Hayan Korea 

Product photo


On my lips


  • Glossy and moisturizing
  • Camouflages the cracks/lines on my lips
  • Plumping effect- Glitter/shimmers are very tiny so your lips won't end up looking like a disco ball
  • Clear pink color can be worn on its own for a natural glossy look or topped over gloss (will not alter lipstick color)
  • long lasting 

  • Scented (rose scent might be an issue for those who don't like cloying/scented lip products)

Overall Take
I have no complaints whatsoever when it comes to this lip gloss product, it works just like any regular lip gloss would. It is quite goopy/sticky like most glosses but it really does a good job of locking in moisture and smoothing out my cracked/dry lips. it does not contain enough pigment to make much of a difference to lip color which is great if you intend to layer this over your lipstick. The scent might be a major issue for some since it has that strong rose scent that you either love or hate. Personally I don't mind so much so its not really a big deal for me. 

Will I repurchase this? Probably yes but I want to try the L13 shade next time!

Don't forget to like Hayan Korea's Facebook Page and view their website to know more about this brand and their awesome products!

Have a great day! xx 

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