Sunday, September 15

Basic Gyaru Makeup Tutorial

Found these two awesome Gyaru makeup tutorial videos from Godmake Japan to share with you guys. 

Tutorial 1 info from Godmake (english translation might be a bit off)
+ POINT1 erase firmly with concealer dull and bear 
Concealer Apply to Cover Dark Circle and Dark Skin tone + POINT2 shading Add to below the cheekbones contour from the area under the Cheekbone + POINT3 firmly rather deep, with thick eyebrows Apply think eyebrow + POINT4 firm to spread the shadow of the lower eyelid do eye shadow a bit heavier than usual on the Lower eyelid + Point5 line of black Add to only black eye part of the mucous membrane 黑的wire input current only mucosal 眼ball part and release from here

Eyemakeup, Eyelid Tape , Lashes etc. tutorial - behold the transformative powers of Gyaru makeup!!!

Tutorial 2 info from Godmake 
+ POINT1 eye shadow is darker! ! Apply heavy Eyeshadow!! 
+ POINT2 to write a Chokon in the eye line inner corner, not flipped up the outer corner of the eye Apply eyeliner lightly on the Inner corner of Eyes. Do not make it Upward at the End + POINT3 is aware of the half face , double width to spread MAX make the eyelid as wide as you Can Apply When Double eyelid glue + POINT4 make dark eyes tear bag with pencil eyeliner! use pencil eyeliner to make tear bag!

The reason I haven't filmed my own video tutorial yet is because I'm honestly too lazy and I don't really get everything right in one try (ex. lash application, microfiber tape application etc) I'm clueless with video editing and I need to buy a tripod and some decent lighting for my camera. I'l try to do that soon (if I don't splurge on more makeup again hahaha!)

In the meantime, I hope you guys enjoy these two videos <3

Hope this helps! xx

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