Thursday, July 11

Kataritsugu Koto

Just me trying my best to look cute! 

I think its working right? :p

I rarely post outfit/full body shots since I'm too lazy to think about what to wear and posing full body is so difficult! Kudos to fashion bloggers who do it on a regular basis!

Asian peace sign! Oooh yeah!

Le duckface :))) Sorry I couldn't think of any other pose and I think I still look mildly cute here in an I'm-about-to-pee-but-you're-hogging-the-toilet kind of look/pose.

The title of my post is a song by Chitose Hajime, its english translation is "The Things I Pass Down"
It's such a beautiful love song! I first heard it on Blood+ I really loved that series! It's so frustrating to crush on an anime character and I've never crushed on anyone as hard as I did on Haji! :))) The video posted here is english subbed but you can also find the full english lyrics translation here

I originally wanted to call this post "F*ck Milk, Got Pot?" like the text on my shirt but I'm not supposed to say "F*ck" or any other bad words on my blog  anymore but I sorta mentioned it here anyway... just not on the title hahaha! Sorry sponsors! 

That's all folks! xx