Thursday, May 23

How To Camwhore Like A Gyaru Pro Part 2

Blowfish pose! 

This is my How To Camwhore Like A Gyaru Pro Part 2 (with less bronzer this time lol!)

Any self respecting Asian girl should master the subtle nuances and variations of the finger-on-the-lips pose!

A slight tilt to the head can make a whole lot of difference see!!!

Pair that with a smile and you're good to go! (sorry blurry shot)

Smile with your eyes effect!

Never forget the camwhore staple: The duckface! Guys hate it but we gals love it because it shows off our lipcolor and it makes our lips look plumper.

Asian peace sign

Kyary bent knee pose! 

hahaha! That's it for now!

I love my new shoes from Repulse Manila! (their customer service needs improvement but all in all I was happy with my purchase)  I'm inspired to do more spunky Shibuhara gal style in the future like Kelly with these shoes! :)) 

Don't forget to join my giveaway! ;)