Thursday, February 21

Sonya's Garden Valentines 2013

It's been ages since I felt like I have a real boyfriend. We've been in a sorta long distance relationship ever since I stopped working. I've been living far off like a recluse and he's always too busy with work/triathlon training. It has been a pretty tough couple of months to be honest, I felt so miserable and cranky last Feb 14 after seeing photos of friends with roses, chocolates and their dates while I was home alone watching old black and white films. Thank God for awesome girlfriends to commiserate with! 

We celebrated Valentines on Saturday, February 16, 2013 instead at Sonya's Garden, Tagaytay. This has been our 7th Valentine's together so you can imagine how long we've known each other already. 

Sonya's Garden is well-known for their fresh salad and pasta. You can have as much as you want since everything here is refillable/bottomless including their dalandan juice.

Their salad was the highlight of the whole meal for me, I recommend Sonya's Super Secret Dressing over everything else.

 Really cozy/romantic ambiance (check!)

 Bread and spreads. My favorite spread is the creamy one on the top right ( I wasn't paying attention to the waiter so I don't know what it is hahaha!)

Pasta, sun dried tomato sauce, chicken cream sauce, ratatouille, mushrooms, capers, olives and salmon to mix according to preference. I was pretty full by the time I ate these but I must say they were pretty good!

Dessert! I didn't really get to eat much of these since I was too full by the time I was done with the pasta. I recommend the sweet potato thing on the top right. The cake and turon was so-so.

 Mint tea to wash it all down

It felt like ages since we went out on a real date so I was very happy. 

It was pretty late by the time we've finished eating so we didn't get to roam the garden anymore. Here's a touristy shot of me in front of a fountain! ;p

No vase? No problem! 

I think every girl deserves roses and chocolates on Valentines day don't you think?  :)