Sunday, February 24

Dolly Wink no. 17 Diamond Dolly Eyelash Review

Dolly Wink 17 Diamond Dolly 
I'm so excited to review one of the lashes from the new Dolly Wink line. As you all know I am a huge fan of Dolly Wink products especially their lashes! Nothing beats the craftsmanship, durability and comfort of these  gyaru style lashes IMO. If you know how to care for them properly they can definitely last you for a long time! ;) 

Product photos

Close up photos of the lashes when worn


  • Cute design which gives off a sweet round-eyed Dolly Gyaru look.
  • Tamer/less wide version of  no.2 Sweet Girly  
  • Easy to apply, fits the curve of the eyes perfectly.
  • It's Dolly Wink and it's a new design!!! Waaah! :p
  • Black band is thicker than the one they used in no.10 Sweet Cat
  • Not as comfy as the usual Dolly Wink lash designs due to the band. 
  • Does not look/feel like most Dolly Wink lashes. 
  • Not available in the Philippines (mine is from HK) 

Overall Take
I was a bit underwhelmed with the thicker black band on this design to be honest. I'm not really a fan of lashes with black bands except for no.10 Sweet Cat since they're not as flexible and comfy as the invisible band ones. Will I purchase again? Probably not due to the fact that I find lashes with thick black bands wear out faster and are harder to clean! But don't get me wrong these lashes look gorgeous in photos and in real  life! The design is not winged out but instead puts the focus on the center of your eyes thus making them look more round and dolly-like. If you love how they look then by all means go get them!

Here's a makeup tutorial using these lashes from Popteen's March 2013 issue <3

I'm just saving my money to buy more Dolly Wink lashes and products!  ;) 

*circle lens used I.Fairy Cara Brown

Hope this helps! xx