Wednesday, January 30

Winny the Pin-up Asian Girl

I am obsessed with this retro/pinup Chinese model called Winny. I don't really know much about her apart from the fact that she models for a Taobao shop/brand called Wild Cat.
She is sooo gorgeous and her makeup is amazing! She uses lower false lashes but of a different brand/make. Although her hair and makeup look is more of a pinup style it can be adapted for a more mature Gyaru/Gal look.

She looks so amazing! I think the reason she pulls off pin-up makeup so perfectly are her features. Most Asians lack the high cheekbones, the nose and perfect jawline (some make up for it through Photoshop though lol!) Her facial bone structure looks so perfect! I wish I could look half as good as she does! 

I found a video Tutorial from Winny! Check out her Pin-up Marilyn Monroe Tutorial below! I can't figure out the lashes that she used though :( 

Another video :) This is her Pink Valentine Makeup Tutorial

Hair Tutorial Part 1 and 2

For those of you who are wondering... I'm not planning to dye my hair black anytime soon. I just have an appreciation for pin-up style and Winny just pulls it off perfectly. Oh btw I had a brief stint with the Rosie the riveter look when I had black hair (before I started the Pinkoolaid blog but this was eons ago).

Anyhoo Winny rocks! I don't really know that much about her, I came across her photos on tumblr so pls. let me know if you have more info  and where else I can stalk her lol!

Enjoy! xx