Tuesday, November 27

Obligatory camwhore in Gyaru makeup

 Yes I am still alive lol! Only a couple more days to go and I can finally rest! I am so excited to travel with my whole family and have some down time. That also means more time to review some goodies I've been too lazy to blog about lol! I feel so happy and grateful to have such a wonderful support system around me. My family and friends are the best!

Now onto bimbo shiz... My hair looks like crap when I don't style it! Ugh! It looks like straw/hay! I am really missing long hair(need to dye my extensions soon!)

I really must find time to change my blog layout and header. It's been a year or so and I definitely feel like I have grown so much and I can't relate to that person in my header photo anymore. 

That's all folks! xx