Monday, October 8

Powder Blue/Marie Antoinette

Another useless camwhore post with my new blue haircolor! :) It's lighter than it was last Saturday since I used shampoo this morning.

 Marie Antoinette loved powder blue and I felt like her this morning at the office....waiting for my turn at the chopping block! It was a really awful and scary day. Thankfully my boss didn't really freak out about my hair so much. She just exclaimed in an amused tone "What happened to your hair!?!" Lolz.. I am glad she can be cool like that(sometimes hehehe)

I've been super busy with work to post anything really, it's almost December and it's hell for people who work in retail like me. Lots of prep work! Wish me luck! :) Oh an update about the Herbalife liquid lunch our office is on (it's mandatory), it works! Another plus is that my skin is so awesome lately! My skin is normally pretty nice but lately I must saw it's extra nice hahahaha (sorry bimbo-speak but

That's all folks! xx