Friday, July 13

Tony Moly Appletox Smooth Massage Peeling Cream Review

I've always had flaky, bipolar(combination-oily or dry) and acne prone skin. It looks really gross sometimes when I set my BB Cream with loose powder and it emphasizes the flakes of dead skin that did not come off during washing(eeeew!)

I'm also the type of Gal who feels naked without makeup on. With the tons of product I heap on my skin almost everyday, I need a good exfoliating regimen/product to effectively get rid of the dead skin cells and buildup on the skin surface. I could not resist giving this product a try! 

With its cute packaging...what's not to like right?

Gentle exfoliating cream; massage & moisture pack

 Soft, moisturizing cream
 Effectively removes dead skin cells
 Instant brightening effect (note it says brightening, not whitening ok...Tomatox is the one for whitening)

Main Ingredients
 Green apple extracts / AHA / Papaya extracts / Hyaluronic Acid/ Sodium

Recommended for
 People with dull skin
 People who want an effective but mild exfoliating product

Apply sufficient amount, avoiding the eyes and lips, massage for 1~2 min, and wait for  30 sec. After that, massage again to let the dead skin fall out,  and wash off with  lukewarm water.

My Review

  • Mild exfoliating product (similar to Cure Nature Aqua Gel)
  • Brightening effect/complexion improvement (good for dull/sallow skin)
  • Made my skin smoother and firmer
  • Affordable (Php 528)
  • Cute packaging
  • Effectively got rid of my dry flaky skin parts problem
  • None so far

Overall Take
At first I was really doubtful if it had any "real" effect on me since the supposedly dead skin cells the mask removed seemed like just hardened bits of the mask/pack itself. The effect sorta reminds me of the Cure Nature Aqua Gel product.
 I really did not notice any significant difference after the first week of use (3x a week). Just that my skin felt really soft and smooth, that was it. (Brightening effect not really noticeable since I am quite fair already lol). Now after a month ++ of continued use, I don't have those pesky dry dead skin flakes that look so obvious when I set my BB with powder! Hurrah! My skin is noticeable smoother and less prone to breakouts. With regards to any improvement on my complexion I can't really say much about that since my skintone has always been the same I guess lol! But I can say that it looks healthier? Less sallow maybe? 

Will I repurchase this? Yes, I would definitely recommend this to anyone who needs a mild exfoliating product since this is non abrasive (no beads to scrape off the skin) and good for people with sensitive skin like me. It's very affordable too only Php 528 available at Tony Moly branches nationwide.

Camwhore time! Tehehehe!

 I've learned to take time before reviewing any skincare product since the normal  cell turnover rate takes around 28 days or so. 

***This review is my honest and unbiased opinion of this product based on a month long continued use!

Hope this helps! xx