Thursday, July 19

Dolly Wink 10 Sweet Cat Review

Pardon me and my chapped lips lol!

I took these pictures about a month ago. I got too lazy to post them until now hehehe
Actual Pics!

Close up shot of the lashes (I'm wearing the double eyelid tape from Saizen btw)


  • Easy to use/apply
  • Very comfortable
  • Durable design
  • Very well made (tapered ends)
  • Wearable design for Gyaru and non Gyaru gals
  • Flattering for all eye shapes

  • Not available locally 
  • Expensive(but worth it IMO)

Overall Take
I am such a huge fan of Dolly wink lashes,Yes they might be quite pricey but nothing matches the quality and feel of these lashes. This design is no exception! I love the cat eye shape. If you're wondering why they don't look droopy on my eyes like on some blog reviews, it's how I stick them on(upwards) since I prefer it that way.

 Do you still need me to convince you to buy it?

Hope this helps! xx