Wednesday, May 9

Etude Playhouse Pink Fair Event 2012

 Me and Anita(hehehe) 

With fellow bloggers Carizza and Marge

Someday dream! I was fangirling most of the time! (Not reallly a fan of their music but the singer is cute lol)

 With Paoie and Jas ....Don't leave me!!! Waaaaah! :( 

 Mimes making fun of Kuya Boni

With Etude's Rea Uy! and Carla Congratulations Rea!!! So proud of you!

Someday dream

Anita <3

 Betsy! My dream car! hehehe!

All smiles after the event

My Etude House loot! Wee!!!

Super delayed post! I got so busy after this event prepping for our own and then I got sick so its only now that I get to post these pics! I had so much fun! There was free icecream, macaroons, popcorn and good people all around. The event was a huge success!!! More power to Rosa Fiore and the Etude House peeps! I love you guys!

Stay Pretty! xx