Friday, March 30

IAMMEG.PH Launch Party

 This is going to be a pic heavy post. Last Tuesday I was invited to the launch party. The dress code was nude so I took this opportunity to take this sexy nude piece I have out to play. The event was held at Skye Lounge at the Fort.

Camwhore shot(one of the many to come) As you can see I've changed how I wear my hair lately. My roots have become so unsightly and I really need to get it fixed asap!

Me and colleague Kris, excited to take advantage of the open bar. We camwhored in the elevator lol!

Yep we came early hahaha!

May pa sosyal pa na windblown effect! lol!

Charlie's Angels! Hehehe!

 Kris :)

Me and Carizza really wanted to meet mother Divine but we lacked courage so when we finally had enough alcohol induced one we went around to search for her but sadly she left for another party already! Some other time I guess.

We all drank too much and went out of sorts the ff. day. I had to go to work and I ended up puking outside the drugstore. I felt really really sick. Carizza forgot to take her contacts off. Kris got hungover too!

We all had a lot of fun though! Thanks Meg!

Stay pretty xx