Tuesday, February 28

Nuffnang 5th anniversary party

 This is a testament to how lousy I am at taking pictures. Most of the shots I took were either blurred or with a swirly haze and light. Blame it on the alcohol!(I've had around 5 or so)

I jumped at the chance to attend another Nuffnang event at Borough since the last one I went to was so much fun! Despite it being held on a Monday night, how could I say no? I invited Carizza to be my plus one.

Meet my bff for the night...the Tequila Sunrise..hahaha! Most of the night I was so intent on getting more of this and then my whole night sorta revolved around it and the small group I was with. Sorry! So lame I know!

 I got to meet Marge of Kikaytrekkie!!! Waaaaa! Her skin was sooo flawless! She reminded me of Snow White with her red lip and blue dress.

I also got to meet Cat of Kikaytalk :) We had so much fun chatting 'till everyone was leaving already.

Paparazzi pic!!!

 One salvageable crowd shot.(me blurring up the blue haired girl is unforgiveable I know!...again...blame it on the alcohol)

On to the food/beverage shots:

Melon Sour was a bleh

Sliders! Sooo good! I'm not really sure if they were really extra special or it was just because I was buzzed and freaking starving. I did not get to take a pic of the macaroni thing...I was so hungry I ate it all up immediately!(nothing new here!)

We capped the night off with some cookies and milk(no I did not drink this) The white ones were sooo yummy!

No blog post would be complete without an obligatory camwhore shot of moi! Bwahahaha! Oh btw I managed to put on these falsies enroute to Podium! Skillz man!!!

 Cupcake as a parting gift <3

I also got to meet Joy and Jing but sadly I don't have any photos of us that night.  Thank you so much Nuffnang! I had so much fun!!!

***Update, nabbed some photos from Joy :) Weeee!!!

That's all xx