Thursday, November 10

Supersale bazaar with Shams

Last Saturday, me and Shams went shopping at the Supersale Bazaar at the world trade center. Now I am sure by now you are so sick of my face already. Don't worry! This post has alot of my bestie- Shamy's pics instead! :)

On our way there we took a wrong turn and had to make a U-turn somewhere in Pioneer. We weren't able to see the no U-turn sign since it wasn't in the middle of the road! It was hidden somewhere up ahead on the left side of the road where it can be easily covered by other vehicles(WTF!!!) we only saw it when we made the turn and then we got harassed by some sleazy police guy who asked for 500bucks. For those of you not familiar with the Philippine police. They're a perfect example of how corrupt the Philippine government is! Almost everyone can be bought at a price. To be honest, Policemen scare me instead of offering a sense of security/protection.

Anyhoo, since we had no choice...we ended up paying him the money but it left a really bad taste in our mouths after. I know we shouldn't have given in but we were in a rush and he was threatening to take away her license and we needed it since we were going somewhere far. Bad cop! but I guess we were playing into his trap too.

 Now on to more happy stuff. We finally got to the bazaar. The reason I wanted to go was because I needed some stuff for work, shams needed a new bag, and we wanted to meet Camille Co and raid her stuff!

 Ummm....distracted by all the makeup. I am currently banned from buying new makeup btw. I have a box worth of unused stash , a backlog of reviews I need to do...and I need to build a stylish wardrobe for work more!

  Waaaaah!!! I want! I want!!!

 Shams trying out clip-on bangs hehehe

 Cupcakes from Sophie's Mom. Soooo yummy!!!

 Their red velvet cupcakes were suuuper good! The cream cheese frosting was just perfect!

 I want more!!! I should've bought more than 3!


 Bargain hunting!

 Happy camper! It actually took Shams longer to find stuff she wanted.

 We didn't really find any bags that we liked since we are kinda picky about bags. We did manage to buy some stuff...not what we planned to get but happy about them. Got everything for such a bargain.

 Blogger Lauren Uy at her booth <3 She was so nice, I was nervous while taking her pic so my hands shook but she was gracious enough to pose for a second one :)

 Shamy and her loot bag.

 Best buy! Spotted these gorge shoes that was definitely Shamy's style at Camille Co's booth. We were on our way out when I saw these pair and I made her buy it hahaha!

 We capped it off by pigging out at Chic-boy.

 I love their litson manok!(roasted chicken) and grilled lechon liempo(pork belly). I've eaten many times at this joint for a week now. I think I'm gaining weight. Couple this with my bonchon chicken addiction and I think I am on my way to fat cheeks again! Ugh!!!

Stylish gets:

 Sheer midnight blue peep shoulder top from Froufrou. There were alot of booths selling sheer tops at a cheaper price but I am kinda picky when it comes to the stitching/edging. Alot of them were poorly made/cheap looking. This shop sold alot of really well made stylish pieces at reasonable prices. I highly recommend them!

 White dress from Camille Co. This dress is sooo Taylor Swift hahaha! Too bad we didn't get to see Camille though, I heard she arrived way after we left already :(

My favorite buy!!! Beige ruched skirt that's uber stylish and sexy!!! It's called mystique from Gliteratti

 Cheap layered shirt for casual days.

 Pretty ruffled shorts with crochet details. Not really work material but I couldn't resist!!! I forgot where I got this.


 Vintage rings from a stall selling vintage items.

This ring broke! This was my favorite among the 3 since it looked so unique. I noticed that the other side was missing when we were about to head home! I wore them immediately after purchasing...must've fallen off somewhere! :(

I was really happy about the stuff I got from the bazaar. Planning to buy a nice bag and other stuff for work at the mall this weekend. Oh by the way, I finally got a job! I'm sooo happy and excited to be working for a company and a position I'm really passionate the new Marketing officer for Tony Moly Philippines!!! Yey!!! :) I start this Friday(tomorrow)!!!

Wish me luck!!! xx