Thursday, September 1

Simple twist braid video tutorial

Pretty boring day, didn't really go out or do much 'cept read a book and check my applications. Decided to do this simple twist braid tutorial on video for you guys. It's really pretty easy to do and doesn't require too much time.

When you're done with the braids you can also opt to twist these two parts together into a low bun or a side bun if you prefer it that way. Enjoy!

Video below!

Sorry I had to re-upload the video with a different sound since youtube/fb keeps taking them down because of the background music. I finally got a free one this time!

Ok! camwhore time! I really didn't see the point in wearing falsies or circle lenses since I'm only staying in today. I just wanted to do a tutorial since I promised some of you there'd be more and I haven't really gotten around to it since I've been pretty lazy(sorry!)
Visit: Cookie-Bits.Net

Sorry for the meh photos! to make up for it. here's some gyaru pic spam!!!



I also included a recording I did before using redkaraoke app online. They didn't have the backing melody to the song I wanted so I just sang it acapella. hehehe! I love this song , it's called Sunny day by Joy Williams. It's been so gloomy and boring lately I felt like posting this song to spread some positivity. If you take note somewhere in the video my bf makes a short cameo LOL! (Click play if you're feeling trolls allowed!)

sunny day -

That's all folks!!! xx
Visit: Cookie-Bits.Net