Sunday, July 17

Friday- Harry Potter day

Friday was such an eventful day for me. I got to meet up with my friend April whom I haven't seen for ages!. We just hung out at a coffeeshop in Glorietta. I really wanted to check out the shops there but I ran out of time since me and Apes had a lot to catch up on(which I didn't mind at all). Since it was payday for most people, April treated me for milktea!!!(Hurrah!) I am really so happy I finally got to see my former partner in lipgloss crime LOL! She's honestly the nicest and most caring friend anyone can ever have and we've been through alot together.

   Me and my friend April

I didn't have much time for anything else since I had to claim the sureseats reservation I made to watch the final Harry Potter film in 3D. After that I met up with my bf and we had dinner before the movie started.

I wanted to take purikura shots with my bf at timezone since we still had a bit of time left but he was very cranky and stressed out so I just had mine taken alone(Boo!) it took me a long time to figure out where I should look so by the time all my shots were take I was usually looking down LOL! I don't have a scanner here so I'll just upload the picture some other time. 

I really enjoyed watching Harry Potter 7.2 I won't blabber on about the story since I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it yet. The 3D experience wasn't as awesome as Transformers 3 but the story made up for it anyway. Glorietta cinema lobby is really stressful! I haven't been there for so long and I probably will never watch a movie there if I can help it. I still prefer Greenbelt 3 since its less chaotic.

 I've been inlove with this red hairband for so long already its ridiculous that one stock is still left considering how long I've been lusting for it(4 yrs!?!). I could just never bring myself to buy it since it's ridiculously expensive for a hairband(1600+php to be exact!) and I tend to break my hairbands in half quite regularly. Sigh...

To cap off this post I'd like to leave you with a super cute video by Miss Katy Perry herself...Last friday night!!! Have a great weekend everyone!